How will I manage an online presence?

manage an online presencePut simply? You manage an online presence by having the right tools. If you’ve been reading along with our articles, like How will I use an online presence?, you may have noticed that there’s a few moving parts.

You may have heard or experienced horror stories about trying to navigate and manage an online presence.

But it truly doesn’t need to be like that.

With the right tools and even a rough plan, it can be a very smooth process with minimal effort and time. It can also be done completely for free if desired.

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So what are the right tools?

[two_third_first]Frankly this is subjective, it’s like asking 6 men if they prefer Mastercraft or Black and Decker for power drills (if they’re in Canada haha).

So, since we have your undivided attention captivated, you get to read about our opinions of the best tools!

No these aren’t the only options, but they are the options we prefer.

  • WordPress for your website with blog (starts free)
  • MailChimp or Drip for your email list (starts free); MailPoet is an option if your site is already self-hosted (starts free); ConvertKit (paid)
  • Hootsuite (starts free) or Buffer (starts free) or Coschedule (paid) for your social scheduling and sharing

That’s it. Along with having your 3 social media accounts setup, these tools will allow you to interconnect everything and streamline things to manage an online presence like a well oiled machine.

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Within our membership we’ll dive deep on explaining these options, choosing the right ones for you, how to set them up and how to use them.

Up next in Fundamentals:
What is a website? This is what a website should be!

Gain even more with our Facebook Group

To offer the most possible benefit to you on this journey, we’ve also setup a closed Facebook Group that we invite you to join, where you’ll be in a safe and friendly environment, surrounded by supportive people just like you. So go ahead and join our Facebook Group with the link below:

Getting Going Online Facebook Group

Get started with right tools!

Every Online Presence needs to have eye-catching images and graphics. But not everyone is a photographer or a graphic designer. Fortunately, we have a solution and the awesome part is that it’s FREE. We’ve put together a free course that will teach you right from step 1 how to use a web-based application called Canva, which is a free tool. This course will make sure that you’re setup for success right from the start and we include some valuable resources on where to get images, completely for free, to get you started without delay.

Enrol for FREE Today

From Scratch to Sophistication – Learn to use Canva like a PRO!

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